Monday, January 2, 2017

What Does a School Board Member Do?

What Does a School Board Member Do?

January is School Board Recognition Month and therefore I would like to take the time to educate the public on the role a Board of Education member and to also publicly thank our board members; Ms. Angie Cleveland, Mr. Chris Lawrence, Mr. Roy Osborne, Mr. Cliff Wallace and Mr. Jeremy Winters, for their service and dedication to our students, staff, and community. 

Our board members are elected by the community and must carry out responsibilities for the benefit of, and in the interest of, individuals and groups in the school district. Local board members are considered state officers, receiving their authority and responsibility from the General Assembly.

Most of a local board of education’s duties are fulfilled with the adoption of district policies. Once policies are adopted, it is up to the district superintendent and staff to implement the policies. The board is responsible for monitoring the overall district performance and can revisit, amend or repeal policies that it believes are in the best interest of the district. In short, it is not the board members job to run the district, but it is their job to see that the district is well run.

Among the major duties of the board: 1. Establish schools, acquire sites and erect buildings. 2. Adopt courses of study. 3. Provide necessary services to pupils. 4. Manage all funds and property. 5. Make appropriate rules, regulations, and bylaws. 6. Appoint a superintendent of schools. 7. Adopt a budget. 8. Take necessary action to levy needed taxes. 9. Assess individual student progress. 10. Adopt a plan for immediate and long-term strategies to address school safety and discipline. 11. Formulate a code of acceptable student behavior and discipline that applies to each school in the district.

What is Unique About Williamstown’s School Board Members?
  • ·         It is not uncommon to see our local board members present at band competitions, ballgames, school plays, or helping out around campus.  They enjoy being around students and staff and helping the district in any way possible.
  • ·         They do not accept their allocated per diem of $75 per meeting, which saves the district over $6,500 annually. 
  • ·         They regularly mentor juniors and seniors and offer assistance and advice before dispensing students their diplomas.
  • ·         Over the past several years there has been over 50 years of combined experience on Williamstown’s school board.
  • ·         The majority of our board members are graduates of Williamstown.
  • ·         One board member was the former superintendent of Williamstown.
  • ·         All board members are extremely invested in making Williamstown the best place to learn and work for students and staff.

Lastly, our education program exists to support student achievement. Students are our #1 priority.  The local board represents the community by making sure tax dollars are used effectively and efficiently on behalf of students.

When you see one of our board members please offer a thank you for all they do for students, staff, and our community.  They are true partners with administrators, teachers and staff in making sure students come first in this district.