Thursday, October 27, 2016

So, What Does it REALLY Mean to Be College and Career Ready?

So, What Does it REALLY Mean to Be College and Career Ready?

The mission of the Williamstown Independent School District is to Engage, Educate, and Empower ALL students for College and Career Readiness.  What does this actually mean?   Nation and local concerns regarding the use of “Common Core Math” or that cursive isn’t taught in schools anymore leaves stakeholders wondering, “What are they actually teaching nowadays and why?” It is important for all to realize that the world has changed and today’s students are preparing for jobs that do not yet exist.  It is the goal of educators to give students an educational experience needed to keep pace with the demands of our competitive, knowledge-based, technology-driven society. 

Below are five areas I believe students need (and educators need to promote) for paving the way for a successful future. 

1.      Academic and Content Knowledge:  This one is pretty cut and dry.  It is comprised of knowing core subject areas of English, Math, Science, and Social Studies.  Students need the capacity to process, retain, and apply content knowledge.

2.      Higher Order Thinking Skills:  This refers to the processing and interpreting of information.  Students need to have the ability to identify issues, analyze situations, formulate hypothesis, critically think, and problem solve.

3.      Creativity: Research confirms that every individual has innate creative potential (I think I am still looking for mine). In order for this potential to be actualized, all students should be actively engaged in the creative process. Engaging in the arts inspires creative and imaginative confidence in students and empowers them to address the challenges of the future.

4.      Self-Awareness:  Students need to be aware of their goals, beliefs and values.  They should enter into an area that is of interest and one they are capable of doing.  Many of these can be explored throughout the high school career.

5.      Employability and Life Skills:  This is often referred to as “soft skills” These are the skills employees look for in an employee and include collaboration and teamwork, responsible, trusting, reliable, flexible, good communicator, manages time, takes ownership, perseverance and grit.

Ultimately, college and career readiness demands students know more than just content.  They must know how to learn and build upon content to solve problems. They must develop versatile communication skills, work collaboratively and work competitively in a school or work environment. Williamstown is committed to Engaging, Educating and Empowering our students for the demands of their future.  We ask for your support as we provide both the academic and social skills necessary so students can succeed on whatever path they choose.